Title: A Visit to Hogsmeade
velvetmouseRating: PG
Characters: Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Megan Jones, Others
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: You asked for female Hufflepuffs with backbone and mentioned Hannah Abbott specifically. I'm a fan of Hufflepuff girls. I hope you enjoy reading about these girls as much as I did writing about
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You've given me so much that I wanted from canon. Girl talk, a look at a house other than Gryffindor and a chance to get a glimpse of what was going on at Hogwarts while the trio hunted Horcrux. I really felt the menace even while cheering for Neville, Ernie and the girls as they planned how to get the potions ingredients. I was thrilled with the Summersby Plan in all it's glorious details. I really had no idea what would happen when the Death Eaters confronted them in the kitchens. I'm glad that you showed Flitwick, McGonagall and Sprout were trying as best as they could to protect the students, no to mention the house elves. And not telling us how they knew to set up an ambush is genius.
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