Title: Tabby Cat Recipient: lazy_neutrino Rating: G Character(s): Harry Potter, various Dursleys and a certain cat Animagus. Warnings: None Author's Notes: I hope you like the fic, and I hope you have a happy holiday!
*happy sigh* ... awww, this was just wonderful. A perfect mixture of hope and sadness and I just love Minerva and her protective instincts here. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us!
Wonderful! I always enjoy a good Animagus fic. In canon we don't see Minerva taking advantage of her form anywhere near as much as Rita Skeeter or Sirius, so I love the way this fic fills in that gap.
Clearly, I am a total sap: the bit with Tabby sitting on little!Harry's lap made me tear up a little. I loved how you wrote McGonagall: strict as we know her in canon but also very protective and loving. It was an excellent fic. :D
Comments 56
She really is a cuddly tabby at heart, isn't she?
Yes, she is, and she doesn't succeed in hiding it very well.
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You go, tabby!Minerva...
Exactly right!
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