Title: Moments of Luna See Author: cedarlibrarian Recipient: redshoeson Rating: G Character(s): Harry, Luna Author's Notes: Many thanks to D for the beta!
This is wonderful. I love your Luna. She is real and magical at the same time. Poor Harry, but you've got him pinned. Anxious and loving and confused and desperate for the simple. Wonderful. I really enjoyed it.
That was really truly lovely. I adore the Luna you created, she's whimsical and wise and charming, and just very Luna-ish. I like the relationship you developed between her and Harry, I can see them having that unique sort of friendship. It was simple but a sweet little story.
Aw, thank you so much, Secret Santa - this is absolutely lovely! I really enjoy your Luna, particularly in the very last scene. She's totally in character throughout and I loved this line:
Behind them, the fire crackled and hot ashes died on the hearth. "If you have to ask me that, you're not ready to kiss me."
I also really enjoyed the fact that you made Harry/Ginny seem so much more real - I like that you portrayed them as you would any other couple. They are occasionally too Mary Sue for me, so thank you for that.
Really, this is just lovely - a FANTASTIC holiday gift! THANK YOU!!
Comments 13
Poor Harry, but you've got him pinned. Anxious and loving and confused and desperate for the simple.
Wonderful. I really enjoyed it.
Behind them, the fire crackled and hot ashes died on the hearth. "If you have to ask me that, you're not ready to kiss me."
I also really enjoyed the fact that you made Harry/Ginny seem so much more real - I like that you portrayed them as you would any other couple. They are occasionally too Mary Sue for me, so thank you for that.
Really, this is just lovely - a FANTASTIC holiday gift! THANK YOU!!
"Luna, I think Ginny kind of appreciates the ordinary."
Luna sifted through the contents of her bag. "I know," she said with a sigh.
;D Luna is like...a star-shaped peg in a square world. :P
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