hp_het_kinkis pleased to announce its latest challenge -
There's a chill in the air... and you need to get hot warm. What would be better after a long, hard day than finding your partner (or partners... ) tied up and waiting for you? Be creative! Anything and everything relating to bondage is game here.
The challenge runs until January 15, 2006.
- Fic and/or art submissions must involve bondage in some form.
- The entry must be rated R or NC-17, same as any post made to this community.
- Fic should be between 500 and 5000 words in length.
- Subject line for your post should follow this form: "CHALLENGE (ART/FIC): Title, Pairing"
- Challenge submissions must be posted to
hp_het_kink first. After the challenge has ended, you may archive away!
- Deadline is January 15, 2006.
- Tag your entry using the following tag: bondage_challenge
- Non-challenge fic and art can still be posted to the community, but we'd love to see lots of entries!