Title: Biophilia
deslea Rating: R
Pairing: Bellatrix/Voldemort
Summary: When Nagini is slithering around his body as he thinks of other things, he simply ceases to notice her. Rather like Bella, in fact. It is an unawareness he would allow only with them, these two females bound to him by expedience, and enjoyed by chance.
Keywords: Second War, Horcruxes, Nagini, Voldemort character study, implied character deaths.
Word Count: Approx 3900 plus notes.
Read it at AO3 Title: Proxy
desleaPairing: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: R for mature subject matter
Warnings: Non-explicit references to sexual assault.
Word Count: Approx 1100
Summary: Voldemort does not hesitate to impose on the Malfoys' hospitality, and Lucius and Narcissa dare not refuse him anything. But what happens when he demands to have Narcissa in his bed?
Notes: Written for Death Eater Fest 2013 (
Master List)
"And if he'd got you with child?" Lucius said in a brittle voice. "His followers would want to worship it. His enemies would want to kill it. You'd never be safe."