FIC: The Blue Vial and Of Vials Blue & Shades of Grey (Lucius/Narcissa, Lucius/Tonks, NC17)

Jan 19, 2013 03:15

I'm gradually posting some old fics that didn't make it to some of my comms first time around (so, my apologies if you see this more than once). Today I have two companion stories in the same universe. Either can be read on its own, but each informs the other.

Title: The Blue Vial
Author: deslea
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lucius/Tonks (main focus), Lucius/Narcissa, Remus/Tonks
Warnings: Rape, Stockholm Syndrome, identification/sympathy with abuser, messed-up responses to trauma, and generally dark themes.
Summary: Instructed by Voldemort to make a sex slave of his captive, Lucius gives Tonks a choice between two vials in a bid to save them both. The red vial is for an easy death; the blue vial is to endure. Tonks' choice has repercussions that outlast the war, and ripple through both their marriages for the rest of their lives.

"I became a monster for you," he hissed. His eyes were wild with something that might have been fury. "I did that so you could live."

Title: Of Vials Blue and Shades of Grey
Author: deslea
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa (main focus), Lucius/Tonks
Warnings: Off-camera rape, identification/sympathy with abuser, and generally dark themes.
Summary: Narcissa knows there is another woman - but when she learns who and why, she must make hard choices to bring them all through a hell of someone else's making. A journey of silent dignity and selflessness. Narcissa's perspective on The Blue Vial.

"I don't deserve you, Narcissa," he said into her hair, and no, she thought, he really didn't.
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