Title: Clever Costumes Pairing: Minerva/Poppy Rating: R Summary: Spell work and costumes are not just for children. Notes: A bit of a stretch for me, but surprisingly fun. I hope you enjoy it.
Ha! This pairing is one of my favorites (see icon), and I like to see both Minerva and Poppy at their tart-tongued best (in all sorts of ways, one assumes /g/). The students' costumes are inspired -- and how fun that Minerva is put off by the sparkly vampire (ha).
I'm so glad Minerva is putting her transfigurations skills to good use. (And the image of the ghosts "wrangling" children away to ghostly. . .whatever is funny and chilling at the same time.)
Thank you! Very clever indeed; I thoroughly enjoyed this.
I thought I had (randomly, I always only remember random things) remembered you liking the pairing. Im glad I got it right.
I just couldnt resist the sparkling vampires. It was too perfect a setup.
As for the ghosts (and this is probably a bit much,) I actually put a bit of thought into that part. Going on when Nick 'wrangled' Harry and his friends, I had the odd thought, 'What if it wasnt happenstance. We know the portraits and armor are a part of the school, and we know the ghosts help, too. What if that was part of his help?' With anyone other than Harry, it probably would have convinced younger students to not wander away again.
Anyway, Im really glad you liked it all. It was quite a lot of fun to write.
Comments 14
And I love that she stops her private party to hand out candy ;) So Minerva. Beautifully done.
I'm so glad Minerva is putting her transfigurations skills to good use. (And the image of the ghosts "wrangling" children away to ghostly. . .whatever is funny and chilling at the same time.)
Thank you! Very clever indeed; I thoroughly enjoyed this.
I just couldnt resist the sparkling vampires. It was too perfect a setup.
As for the ghosts (and this is probably a bit much,) I actually put a bit of thought into that part. Going on when Nick 'wrangled' Harry and his friends, I had the odd thought, 'What if it wasnt happenstance. We know the portraits and armor are a part of the school, and we know the ghosts help, too. What if that was part of his help?' With anyone other than Harry, it probably would have convinced younger students to not wander away again.
Anyway, Im really glad you liked it all. It was quite a lot of fun to write.
Love Poppy - practical as ever.
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