Halloween Treat for Enchanted_Jae

Oct 31, 2012 08:58

Gift for: enchanted_jae

From: nimrod_9

Title: When Nymphs and Zombies Collide
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Draco makes his move.

Draco languished against a wall; the Halloween party was in full swing as he awaited his quarry. He straightened as Potter appeared flanked by Granger in a Professor Trelawney costume (ironic) and Weasley in Quidditch robes (unimaginative). Potter looked as if he'd been beaten and left for dead a week ago and he could hear Harry's voice muttering 'eat brains.’ Draco glided in front of them. Harry's eyes boggled.

With a smirk, Draco drawled, "Nice costume, Potter."

"What are you supposed to be?" Harry spat.

Draco preened. "A nymph." He knew he looked fabulous in the skintight, barely opaque, silver-white bodysuit with attached lacewing fly drape.

"W-w-wood?" Harry stuttered.

"Not yet? You?"

Harry's hands hastily covered his crotch. "Wood nymph."

Hermione snickered.

"No. I'm just a nymph because, historically, they mate with men. Men who are subject to a nymph's whim."

"You intend to mate here?" Harry's voice squeaked. "With whom?"

"Potter, really. Your trousers are already tented. All we need is a nice secluded spot, but a wall and a silencing charm would do in a pinch."

"Dammit, Malfoy!” Harry groaned. "I never…I don't…I'm not…"

Draco held out his hand. "Come. Please." He held on tight as Harry tentatively took his outstretched hand.

!2012, ^harry potter/draco malfoy, rating: pg13, *nimrod_9, #slash

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