Halloween Gift for Leigh_Adams

Oct 31, 2012 08:45

Gift for: leigh_adams

From: rzzmg

Title: Devil's Lips and Serpent's Eyes
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: None.
Summary: He wanted her despite her Slytherin past and her saucy attitude, and despite their Quidditch rivalry and her overblown conceit. Tonight, around the traditional harvest bonfire, perhaps he'll finally get his wish...
Notes: Post-Hogwarts, EWE (2003). My recipient asked for: Ron/Astoria; secret romance; bonfires; Quidditch rivalries; fun, sweet, and sexy. I hope I was able to meet those expectations, leigh_adams! It was a great pleasure to write this for you. Thank you to my beta, LS, and to the Mod for putting on this fun event! I listened to the song, "Kiss of Fire" sung by Louis Armstrong when writing this.

The golden flames of the harvest bonfire subtly changed Astoria's ice-blue eyes, making them appear a serpentine grey.

Ron forcibly turned his head away. It was bad enough he'd been lured to her side from the other end of the fire pit by her mocking smirk. No way was he getting mezmo'd by her snake eyes, too.

Noting his dismissal, Astoria purposefully moved to stand before him, forcing him to zero-in on her delicately rouged lips. "Burning an effigy of my team won't change the outcome, Weasley. We're going to tromp you tomorrow," she goaded.

He stared at her lush mouth and burned with want.

For years, he and Greengrass had been dancing around each other on the Quidditch circuit, his Cannons clashing with her Harpies, his Keeper reflexes tested against her Chaser speed. During that time, he’d unwittingly become enthralled with the younger, pretty witch.

Her tongue swiped across her lips, wetting them. “I can’t wait to score against you again," she bragged.

That sealed it.

"Really?" he drawled. "Then I suppose I'd better get my 'scoring' in now."

With that, he pulled her into him and lowered his mouth to hers, shutting her up and sealing their fates.

*rzzmg, !2012, ^ron weasley/astoria greengrass, #het, rating: pg

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