Since no one's come forward looking for their drabble, I'm going to declare this year's exchange officially finished with much success (if the comments pouring into the mod inbox are any indication)! Don't forget to send your friends over to read your work and others' - the tags are already in place for those who are choosy.
Writers, to see all your comments, be sure to check both
IJ and
LJ's HP_Halloween. Also, remember that you can click the "track this" button at the start of each post (it looks like a thumbtack) if you would like to receive the comments on your drabbles in your inbox.
If you do a round of rec-ing, let us know here! Some of these drabbles just might qualify for a newsletter, you never know.
Have no illusions,
Starduchess and
Shadowycat are a huge reason why this year's exchange ran so smoothly and efficiently. I had a very busy birthday week and was able to be present more this year because I had their capable hands taking on much of the work managing 46 writers. They're owed more than equal thanks for their hard work! (and if you like Snape/Harry or Snape/Lupin and want to post extra drabbles for them, feel free!)
That said, if you're ever interested in helping out, please volunteer early next year by contacting me at the mod mail or my email if you know it. I hope Starduchess and Shadowy will be back, but if not, I'm spoiled now and don't want to do it alone. ~_^
We have a walk of shame this year, but it's shorter than last year:
feuerfunke did not turn in a drabble and will have to sit next year out. It's not easy to scramble, even for one drabble. However, she is welcome to inquire again in 2013 if she is prepared to meet early submission requirements.
Thank you all for participating this year - you were terrific! We ended up with 46 participants and 47 drabbles - the most yet of any year I've been mod. I hope you had fun with this and a good Dia de los Muertos. Let's all meet here again next year for more spooky fun!
love, lore