Halloween treat for Zagzagael

Oct 31, 2011 11:04

Gift for: Zagzagael

From: reynardo

Title: The Best Laid Plans …
Pairing: Fred and George
Rating: PG-13 (implied naughtiness with everyone over age)
Warnings: Naughty Thoughts with Food
Summary: During 1997, the time of Deathly Hallows, Hallowe'en's approaching. Alas, sales aren't what they should be. But there's always Plan B.
Notes: My apologies to JKR for what we do to her poor characters.

"Not our best month." George looked out at the shop, where one bored witch was pawing through the "Lucky Dip" cauldron with disdain. "The week before Hallowe'en is supposed to be our busiest."

"There's always mail orders to make up the sales". Fred grinned. "And they'll be gone the day before, which means..."

"... we've got the whole day and night free! Any ideas?"


"I don't think the Ministry likes our parties."

"True." Fred frowned as their lone customer toddled out to the windswept grimy street that Diagon Alley had become. "But it wouldn't be Hallowe'en without some sort of celebration."

The twins pondered for a while, George scratching the hole where his ear used to be. Then, as so often happened, their eyes lit up and they turned to each other simultaneously.

"Secret party!"

"Restricted guest list!"

Together they grinned. "Just you and me."

Fred snickered. "So we should try that trick …"

"… with whipped cream and cherries?" George rubbed his hands together. "And seeing as it's Hallowe'en …"

"… toffee apples, feathers and blindfolds."

And from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes that Hallowe'en night rose groans, screams and moans enough to wake the dead.

rating: pg13, *reynardo, ^fred weasley/george weasley, !2011, #slash

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