Halloween Gift for Katekintail

Oct 31, 2010 20:27

Gift for: katekintail

From: Reynardo

Title: Dragon Taming
Pairing: Charlie/Neville
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slight Slush Level
Summary: What happens when two people who love nature recognise that in each other?

Dragon Taming

They're really quite sweet, you know."

Neville jumped. Charlie had come up behind him completely silently. The young herbologist held out the bag he was clutching, and tried to look as if he hadn't been terrified by the scaly creatures behind him.

"I brought you those calming vines you asked for."

Charlie grinned, and reached for the bag. "Awesome. Imbezi there has been quite restless, and she's burned me twice this week."

And as their hands met, there was a spark that charged both of them at once. Their eyes met, and each recognised in the other a deep love of things natural and growing.

"You're very gentle with them, aren't you?" Neville breathed.

"Always am." Charlie stepped closer, the bag forgotten between them. "You can't be rough or startle them."

The redhead leaned towards the younger man.

"You have to move..."


"… very …"

Nose to nose. Slipping past...

And whispered "… gently."

And they met with a featherlight touch. Each felt the slow burn of passion, as their lips melded, then opened. And behind them, the dragon nuzzled through the fence, and used her long tongue to swipe the bag that had fallen, forgotten, between them.

!2010, *reynardo, ^charlie weasley/neville longbottom, #slash, rating: pg

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