Halloween Treat for Rosivan

Oct 31, 2009 14:45

Gift for: Rosivan

From: Deathjunke

Title: Snape's Costume
Characters: Snape and Snakeface
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language
Summary: Snape is questioned about his choice of party attire.
Notes: Silliness and crack. More notes at the end.

“Snape, is that you?” Voldemort questioned, leaning forward.

“Yes, my lord,” Snape said, moving closer to the throne. “Can I help you?” He managed to keep the disdain out of his voice.

The Dark Lord scoffed and adjusted the bowler hat tipped jauntily on his head. “Snape! Where’s your costume?” The man-snake hissed angrily. “Costumes are mandatory!”

“I’m wearing it, sir.”

“That is not a costume!” The Dark Lord snarled before jutting a finger towards the crowded dance floor. “See that!” he pointed to Lucius dressed in black with a white porcelain mask covering half of his face. “Phantom of the Opera. That’s a costume!” He jutted his finger toward the cackling madwoman sometimes referred to as Bellatrix. “That daft bitch from the book with the sparkly vampires!” Voldemort narrowed his eyes and pointed to a young man with a striped shirt and bottlebottom glasses. “Him - should just Crucio that bastard, he crashed the party. He would have gotten an invite if I could ever find him! Fucking nerve - that damn Wally.”

The man’s lost it. Severus pursed his lips and wished, not for the first time that some one would kill him. “The point to this?”

Voldemort hissed in a very creepy way - not that he wasn’t always creepy but this time it was twice as bad. “Where is your costume?”

“I’m wearing it.”

“What are you, then?”


A/n - Costumes:
Voldemort - Minister Fudge
Lucius - Phantom of the opera
Bellatrix - Bella from twilight
Wally - Cameo appearance from where's Waldo/Wally (I hate him D:<)
Snape - someone who is satisfied with their choicses in life.

!2009, ^voldemort, rating: pg13, *deathjunke, ^severus snape, #gen

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