Gift drabble for aralias

Oct 31, 2004 00:53

aralias requested: "something funny/fluffy... we're supposed to be specific here so... something about what the marauders do on a halloween in hogwarts..." I didn't manage funny, but it's definitely fluffy. ;)

"Is Sirius still visiting Carlson?" James glanced around the common room. "He'll be late for the Halloween feast."

"Poor ickle firstie." Peter shook his head. "Hexed by Slyths. Why'd Sirius go visit the kid?"

James snorted. "Because the Slyths were aiming at him and hit Carlson instead. C'mon, we'll stop by the infirmary, then go to the Great Hall together."

As they approached the infirmary, they heard the sound of delighted, childish laughter and they stepped quietly into the room.

A large black dog, rubber ball in his mouth, trotted across the stone floor to the cot where a small boy lay covered in a bright red rash. The dog delicately dropped the ball into Carlson's lap.

Carlson glanced up and flushed at the sight of the 7th years. "Um, if you're looking for Sirius, he's already gone."

James, Peter and Remus exchanged amused glances.

"New friend?" Remus inquired.

With a wistful expression, the boy scratched behind the dog's ears. "Dunno where he came from, but you won't tell, will you? My Mum won't let me have a dog."

"No, we don't tell," James said solemnly. "Happy Halloween, Carlson."

Both the little boy and the dog grinned back at them.

^peter pettigrew, ^sirius black, #gen, ^james potter, *scatteredlogic, ^remus lupin, !2004, rating: g

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