Thanks! And a New Rule.

Nov 08, 2007 15:24

So, I finally got around to reading the drabbles (I’m a big kid and don’t read them as they come back only skim them so that I get surprises on Halloween too! LOL) Anyway, just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who participated - especially at such short notice - you’re all wonderful!

Unfortunately there was an unpleasant incident this year and for that reason I am I debated whether to mention it here and now - or just write it in next year…but I just don’t feel comfortable not making my views clear. I have no wish to open us a debate about the past and for that reason I am setting this to no comments.

Anyway, I’m sure you’ll have guessed it and yeah, it shouldn’t have to be a rule but the following will be written into the rules.

If you have nothing positive to say then say nothing…and to be honest I think it’s a pretty poor show if you can’t find something positive to say about a gift that was written with good intentions.

Let me give you an example to make it clear: You ask for a glass bead as a gift but forget to say that you don’t like green beads. Guess what you get? Yep, a green bead. Nicely wrapped, perfectly formed and oh so shiny - but still your least favourite colour. You have some options on how you can receive this gift. You can say:-

Wow, I really liked the way the bead was formed/wrapped/it’s shininess etc - ie find something positive to say about it.

Or you can just say:-

Gee, thanks! (Note that the word ‘but’ should never, ever follow the word thanks)

Or, if you’re really offended then you can say absolutely nothing and contact the mods.

Those are just about your only options. Seriously. If you don’t like the rule please don’t participate. It’s my community and I can set what ever rules I like. This is one. Say something nice or keep quiet.

I’m sure most people will agree with this and I’m sure that most people aren’t offended by green beads…but if you are then I’m sorry!

Anyway, enough about that! Thanks again and I hope to see folks back again next year!!


!2007, !modpost

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