Halloween Gift for ranchangrnl

Oct 31, 2007 21:27

Gift for ranchangrnl

From zagagzael

“Wormtail, wake up.” Sirius’ voice was low, tinged with fear, his hand on the sleeping boy’s shoulder.

Peter came awake slowly, sitting up in his canopied-bed, rubbing at his eyes. “What is it? What’s the matter?” he asked into the dark.

A murmur illuminated a candle, then another, and another. The Marauders were sitting on the edge of Moony’s bed, staring over at the smaller boy. Their eyes wide, each gripping a candlestick. Shadows crawled across their faces and darkened their eye sockets.

“Wormtail, you’ve got to try this, you’ve got to get up and try it.”

“What? Try what?” he squeaked.

“Moony, tell him,” Padfoot urged, his voice cracking.

“C’mere, Peter. It’s like this. Go stand in front of the mirror there.”

Peter crept out of his bed and over to the standing glass.

“Now look into the mirror and say “Grandmother Skuld, tell me my Fate” one hundred times.”

“No! I don’t want to,” he whined. “Why do I have to do that? Did you lot do it? James?”

“I did it, Wormtail. I just did it while you were sleeping. You can only do it on this night. On Halloween night.”

The boys blew out the candles.

^peter pettigrew, !2007, *zagagzael, ^sirius black, #gen, ^james potter, ^remus lupin, rating: g

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