Fest Officially Open

Oct 30, 2023 20:12

Since it's already Halloween in over half of the world, the fest is now open. Enjoy!

I want to thank everyone for joining in. You guys are amazing. Everyone submitted their drabble in time and you made modding this fest an absolute pleasure.

If you are a writer, please don't repost until November 2, but you're more than welcome, and in fact encouraged to link back to the collection today.

If you are a reader, kudos are nice, but nothing beats a comment, even if it's a few words. To keep the spirit of the LJ/DW communities, please consider leaving a comment. Also if you received a gift, please acknowledge it. Writers really do it to see their recipients' reaction.

Finally, there's a little thank from me to all the participants. I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you again and we'll see you next year (or for a href="https://hp-sweethearts.dreamwidth.org/">HP Sweethearts in February).

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