Gift for:
rillathegrape Rating: PG-13
"You're ridiculous. You do realize this." Severus folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter, the stirring rod set to continue moving in slow circles in the cauldron behind him.
"Indulge me, Severus. This only happens once a year." Remus reached into his pocket, pulling out a generous handful of chocolate pieces and holding them on his open palm. With his free hand, he began with the first button below Severus's collar, flicking them open one at a time.
"I don't have time for this."
"You say that every year."
"And I mean it every year. It's not my fault that you insist on ignoring me."
"I'd hardly call this 'ignoring' you," Remus quipped, running one fingertip down the bare skin in front of him.
Severus silently arched one eyebrow.
"Now," said Remus, holding up the chocolates, "trick… or treat."
"What if I simply refuse to answer?"
"You tried that last year. Remember?" Remus turned his hand, dragging his finger back up to Severus's throat.
Severus glared. Remus's hand remained steady.
"Trick. Or treat?"
With an exaggerated groan, Severus reached for a chocolate. "Very well. Treat."
Grinning, Remus opened his mouth, taking the sweet on his tongue.