Halloween Treat from Enchanted_Jae

Oct 31, 2020 11:17

Author: enchanted_jae
Title: Sacred Space

Pairing: Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for
Summary: Narcissa's dreams are being haunted by her dead husband.
Notes: Many thanks to gelsey for looking this one over.

In the weeks leading up to Samhain, he invaded her dreams, pleading with her to set him free. Narcissa awoke each time with her heart pounding. Her husband might be dead, but he refused to be forgotten. Unable to bear the torment any longer, she studied her book of Samhain rituals and began collecting the items she would need.

The day arrived cold and gloomy. Narcissa made her final preparations as evening approached. She then
Apparated to the cemetery where Lucius was buried. As she wended past the graves, an eerie mist slithered along the ground, winding through the headstones and caressing her ankles. Narcissa glanced skyward, noting the position of the full moon before it vanished behind a cloud.

She set up her altar and placed her offering upon it: dried Autumn leaves, nuts, small pumpkins, dark bread, and a glass of mead. She drew her wand, closed her eyes, and began her incantation.

"Tonight, I call upon Lucius Abraxas Malfoy to join me in this sacred space."

She repeated it three times. As the last word left her lips, a cool wind danced through the graveyard, dissipating the ground fog.


She opened her eyes to see Lucius' image wavering before her, and chill bumps spread across her skin.

"You've done it, love," Lucius whispered across the veil that separated them. "Bring me back, so that we may be together again."

"This is dark magic you ask of me, Lucius."

"You are a Malfoy," he insisted. "You can do it."

Narcissa pointed her wand at her husband's shade. "Ego Eieci Te!"

"NO!" Lucius wailed as his form dissolved and disappeared.

Narcissa waited until he was well and truly gone before she gathered her items and returned home. That night, she slept peacefully for the first time in weeks.

Author's note: I Googled "Latin for 'banish'" and came up with the above phrase, which should mean 'I banish you' or something similar.

*enchanted_jae, rating: pg13, ^lucius malfoy/narcissa black, !2020, !het

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