Halloween Treat from Titti

Oct 31, 2020 10:07

Author: titti
Title: Terrifying Customs
Characters/Pairing: the Marauders, Lily and Harry
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Purebloods find Muggle customs truly terrifying

"You lot are being ridiculous," Lily said.

"He's terrifying," Sirius answered. "Wormtail, tell them!"

Peter stepped closer, standing shoulder to shoulder with Sirius. "I have to concur with Messier Padfoot; he is terrifying."

"My son is not terrifying ... okay, a little terrifying, but it's some strange Muggle custom," James said.

Remus chuckled. "It's just a Halloween costume, mate. You see something a lot more terrifying every month."

Sirius frowned. "A werewolf? Pft, that's just a curse."

"And it's not that terrifying next to a stag," Peter said.

"And you've never been able to catch Wormtail," James added.

"Ha! You agree with us. He is terrifying," Sirius said.

Lily pinched the bridge of her nose. "We're going to a children's Halloween party. There aren't many things a three-month old baby can be."

"A ghost?" Peter said.

"A vampire?" James added.

"A werewolf?" Sirius put in.

"He's a baby for Merlin's sake. I'm not dressing him as a dead or dark being." Lily shook her head. "Come on, time to go."

Remus laughed. "It's Winnie the Pooh; Harry will be fine."

Sirius frowned. "It's a bear that talks."

"Muggles are weird," Peter muttered.

"With terrifying customs," James whispered before going after Lily.

^peter pettigrew, !gen, ^harry potter, ^sirius black, *titti, ^lily evans, ^james potter, ^remus lupin, !2020, rating: g

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