Halloween Treat for Ravenclawsquill

Oct 31, 2019 13:11

Gift for: ravenclawsquill

From: honeymink

Title: Above The Leafy Shadows
Characters: Minvera McGonagall, Pansy Parkinson
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership over the world of Harry Potter and its characters.
Summary: Repeating seventh year, Pansy receives special tutoring.
Notes: Many thanks to gonzo21 for the beta.

Until this day, autumn has been a golden carcass after a long and humid summer. But not anymore. In the indigo twilight of All Hallows’ Eve a storm is brewing over the pumpkin patch. A whisper of fog rises from the dark soil, yet it cannot disguise the black rot that has afflicted the plants. Especially where students tried to carve and illuminate lanterns. Minerva takes a deep breath. Finally, the clouds release a blinding light.

“Amato Animo Animato Animagus,” Pansy chants for the last time, the tip of her wand placed on her heart and drinks the potion.

A few unsure flaps on wings black as stars and the little animal ascends, while her teacher watches and imagines what it may feel like - gliding through scorching space, thrilled that air is drumming at her face, excited that speed is spinning her around and around.

“Parkinson, stop flying. Get back here, right now!” Minerva barks, hiding her concern. “Bats are notoriously short on brain cells. I would be most seriously displeased if you forgot how to reverse-transfigure.”

“How completely absurd,” Pansy complains, having landed a bit wobbly. “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.”

Minerva’s mouth twitches into a smile.


*honeymink, !gen, ^minerva mcgonagall, rating: g, !2019, ^pansy parkinson

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