Halloween Gift for Thesmallhobbit

Oct 31, 2019 07:27

Gift for: thesmallhobbit
From: enchanted_jae
Title: A Night Such as This
Characters: Draco, Hagrid (gen)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Warnings: None
Summary: The Dark Forest is nowhere to be on a full-moon night.
Notes: Thank you to digthewriter for the beta on this one.

Draco stood at the edge of the Dark Forest, reluctant to step past the tree line. The moon was full and provided ample light to see by. However, the moonlight would not penetrate the woods. Draco couldn't decide if that was good or bad. He wasn't sure he wanted to see what lurked in the forest.

An eerie ground fog swirled in lazy patterns at the border between the meadow and the woods. Tendrils of mist seemed to reach out as if intent on seizing Draco and reeling him in. He shivered and pulled his cloak more tightly about himself.

Something shrieked, deep within the trees. Draco gasped and took a step back. His heart pounded in his chest, and the hair on his nape rose in atavistic response. The Dark Forest was no place to be on a night such as this.

Draco turned to flee. He ran into a solid figure, gabbling in fright as he stumbled. A large hand seized Draco's cloak, preventing him from falling.

"Easy there, Malfoy," said Hagrid. "Can't have ye breakin' a leg servin' detention. Come on." He hefted an ax over his shoulder and strode towards the forest.

Draco gulped and followed.

*enchanted_jae, ^rubeus hagrid, !gen, !2019, ^draco malfoy, rating: pg

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