Halloween Gift for Iselima

Oct 31, 2019 06:46

Gift for: iselima

From: thesmallhobbit

Title: Getting warm
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Summary: Minerva finds Samhain cold and needs to warm up

Minerva shivered. Samhain was supposed to be dour, and a foggy night added to the atmosphere, but the damp tended to permeate however many layers of clothing one wore, making it feel colder than it actually was. Perhaps it was a sign she was growing older, but for once, she didn't regret returning indoors.

Once inside, she headed immediately for her study, intending to warm up a little before joining the rest of the staff. She was surprised to see a light shining under the door and opened it cautiously.

"Severus," she exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be celebrating in the staff room."

"I came back a little in advance of the others. I thought you'd be cold, so I stoked the fire up, ready for you."

She went to remove her cloak, but her fingers were cold, and she fumbled with the clasps.

"Here, let me help you," Severus said. He slid the cloak off her shoulders and then felt her robe. "You'd be better off taking all your clothes off and letting them dry."

"And how will I keep warm then?"

Severus smirked. "I think I can find a way. Let me show you."

^severus snape/minerva mcgonagall, *thesmallhobbit, !het, !2019, rating: pg

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