Halloween Treat for Lash_Larue

Oct 31, 2018 19:46

Gift for: lash_larue

From: _hannelore

Title: Ominous Omens
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall, Sybill Trelawney
Rating: PG
Summary: Headmistress Minerva McGonagall has much on her mind for the first year back after the battle that claimed many lives. But not everyone who fought has healed.
Notes: Happy Halloween, lash_larue! Many thanks to my beta, pauraque and to the HP mods for this traditional fest. ♥

Minerva had considered sending the thestrals away. Returning to Hogwarts after the battle would be difficult, but perhaps more startling for students who had never seen them before. Despite Hogwarts' poltergeists and ghosts being regular occupants, it was the thestrals' appearance that might be frightening.

As she now watched a young student stroke the foal's leathery wing, Minerva knew she had made the right decision. But her relief was interrupted by the sudden commotion of Sybill Trelawney pushing her way through the crowd.

"Bats transformed into skeletal horses," Sybill said, her voice raised. "I heard the screeches of these harbingers of doom!"

Minerva realized that although she had taken care to prepare the students, she had not considered how the staff might react.

"They're not evil omens," Minerva said. "They are creatures of the Forest."

"But not seen until now," Sybill said. She stepped back as one of the thestrals approached her.

"They won't hurt us," Minerva said. "They're --"

"Gone!" Sybill gasped. She looked around, seemingly oblivious to the herd.

Minerva thought she knew all there was to know about thestrals, but she had never known that the acceptance of death could be fleeting... until now.

!2018, ^sybill trelawney, *hannelore, ^minerva mcgonagall, #gen, rating: pg

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