Gift for:
pauraque From:
dreamy_dragon73 Title: Halloween 1992
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The Potterverse belongs to JKR, I only play in her sandbox.
Summary: The evening after Hermione, Harry and Ron find Mrs Norris petrified
Minerva took a sip from her glass, enjoying the way the alcohol left a trace of warmth as it ran down her throat. She glanced at the door and then at the empty arm-chair near the fireplace.
Poppy shook her head. 'He isn't coming.'
'Sitting with his cat, he is,' Severus put in.
The three of them glanced at the empty chair once more.
Minerva took another sip. The rest of the staff huddled together in small groups too, drinking and talking softly amongst themselves. It was all very subdued, especially since it was Halloween, but tonight there wasn't the usually rather raucous after-party in the staff room. Even Lockhart was strangely quiet, though probably mostly because each time he tried to tell someone about one of his miraculous feats that person suddenly remembered that they had a pressing engagement elsewhere.
'Do you think…' Poppy began before she pointed her wand at the wine bottle to refill their glasses.
'I want to say no,' Minerva replied. 'But something is definitely going on - and it's nothing good.'
Severus nodded, his expression grim.
Despite the delicious wine and the comfortable warmth of the fire, Minerva felt a chill creep down her spine.