Halloween Treat for Flipflop_Diva

Oct 31, 2018 08:20

Gift for: flipflop_diva

From: ragdoll

Title: Midnight Rambler
Character: Neville Longbottom (Neville/Hermione implied if you want to see it that way)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox. I only play here.
Summary: Aconite aka wolfsbane has to be gathered outdoors at midnight on the night of a full moon for peak potency. It's Neville's job to do it.
Notes: flipflop_diva, you gave me a lot of choices, so I went with something spoopy. I hope you like it!

Shivering inside his cloak, Neville walked through the shadowy woods towards the grove of aconite. The full moon shone through the clouds, illuminating the path with pallid light. Hero of the Battle of Hogwarts he might be, but Neville didn't fancy being alone in the dark forest at this hour. Unfortunately, aconite, or wolfsbane, needed to be gathered outdoors at midnight on the night of a full moon for peak potency in Wolfsbane Potion.

Hermione had lectured him repeatedly on the efficacy of wild wolfsbane until Neville could recite the entire speech verbatim. He refused to let her down, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable this was.

Neville reached the clump of flowers and, by the light of his wand, began to dig up and cut the roots in silence. His toil was interrupted by a loud snapping of twigs nearby.

"Hullo? Hullo?"

There was no response.


The only answer was more snapping branches, but no one was there.

Snatching up the plants he'd uprooted, plus his tools, Neville shoved everything into his satchel, and tore off towards home. Hermione would have to be satisfied with what he'd obtained. There was no way he was staying there any longer.

!2018, ^neville longbottom, *ragdoll, #gen, rating: pg

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