A little late, but let's properly close the books on HP_Halloween 2017!
--->If you haven't left a comment on your gift, please do. When you write for a specific person, knowing the person at least saw your work is important.
--->Tags have been updated on all three communities, so please send your friends to one of the communities to look around. If you feel your drabble doesn't have the correct tags on it, let us know in reply to this post.
Shadowycat and
Starduchess worked hard on tagging everything, so everyone should be able to find what they want easily.
--->Writers, to see all your comments, be sure to check
IJ and
LJ's HP_Halloween. Also, remember that you can click the "track this" button at the start of each post (it looks like a thumbtack) if you would like to receive the comments on your drabbles in your inbox.
--->If you haven't already done so, remember that you can re-post your drabble anywhere you like now.
--->Managing all of you fell primarily to
Starduchess and
Shadowycat, so be sure to give them lots of wrap-up love. While
lore gives them constant thanks and praise during the run-up to Halloween, hearing how you felt about the exchange in reply here would be wonderful for them to read. This fest absolutely would not continue without them.
--->We had a total of 44 participants this year, down from 62 last year. Oops! Be sure to recruit some new participants in the off-season, ok?
--->The good news is that there's no Walk of Shame this year! We had to do some late-game substituting, but the reason was for very happy and legit reasons, and we were given enough notice to juggle everyone with style. ^_^
--->Flexibility, you had it, whether you agreed to write for a new person at the last-minute, signed up to write absolutely anything, or reacted to our pleas for earlier submissions, etc. This fest doesn't work without your flexibility, and we're deeply grateful to you all for it.
Shadowycat and Starduchess gave a joint 2017 wrap comment: Another successful fest! We had some really terrific drabbles this year. Many thanks to everyone who participated and special thanks to our co-mods! You all make it so much fun year after year! Hopefully everyone had a really spooktacular time. We couldn't do it without you! See you next year! :D
This exchange doesn't work without all of you, writers and readers willing to stretch yourselves for a little autumnal fun. We're always so grateful for the enthusiastic response that you greet us with each year. We hope to return for more Phantasmic HP fun in 2018!
love, lore, Starduchess and Shadowycat