Halloween Treat for Rivertempest

Oct 31, 2016 14:07

Gift for: rivertempest

From: Goddess47

Title: Thinning of the Veil
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Sadly, they aren't my characters.
Warnings: (highlight for spoilers) *Major character death*
Summary: Harry had a specific person in mind for this night.
Notes: I did get your misty pathway into this!

"Bloody hell!" Harry muttered as he stumbled over a rock in the misty pathway.

Out of the side of his eye, he saw a familiar swirl of darkness... he sighed and gave chase, even as it took him off the path.

The mist grew thicker, he had to watch where he placed his feet... which is why he did not see the figure until he was on top of it.


"Harry! What..."

"It's All Hallow's Eve," Harry said softly.

Severus frowned. "And... you wanted to see me? Not your parents?"

Harry blushed. "I wanted to see my husband. I miss you!"

For Severus had died too young, in Harry's opinion. They didn't have enough time together before complications from Nagini's bite took his life.

This night's thinning of the wall between Life and Death was Harry's chance to grab a few more moments with Severus. He seized the opportunity with both hands.

"You should not be wasting your life on me!" Severus grumped.

An old argument, one Harry had already dismissed.

"It's not wasted," Harry murmured.

Harry leaned in for a kiss... only for Severus to fade back into the mist.

Harry whispered. "See you next year, my love."

^severus snape/harry potter, !2016, *goddess47, #slash, rating: g

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