Halloween Treat for Gelsey

Oct 31, 2013 16:54

Gift for: gelsey

From: ragdoll

Title: Getting Lucky With A Black Cat
Pairing: Bill Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox. I only play there. If it were, I'd be a lot wealthier!
Summary: At a Hallowe'en party, a black cat crosses Bill's path, and he finds himself getting extremely lucky.
Notes: gelsey, you have no idea how thrilled I was to get your requests. As one of my betas put it "it's like it was tailored made for [me]". You asked for Older Weasley boy/Tonks, costumes, creepy houses, black cats and romance, so I've tried to give them all to you, although it might be a bit more rom-com than straight out romance. Happy Hallowe'en, my dear!

Thanks to All My Betas, and the fantastic mods for running the fest again this year.

This is set during Hallowe'en of 1995, the year of Order of the Phoenix, so Tonks is 22, and Bill is nearly 25.

"You know you're completely mad, woman," said Bill, stopping momentarily. "You've got to be, wanting to get off in a place like that." Shrouded in mist, the Shrieking Shack loomed ahead of him.

He knew he had to be insane - hadn't he gone along with her daft plan? In Hogsmeade? Wearing a pirate costume?

At the Three Broomsticks' Hallowe'en party, Rosmerta's mead had flowed freely, and Bill had drunk far too much. Dressed as a sexy black cat, Tonks had been irresistible. Her skimpy leotard clung to her curves, leaving little to the imagination, her furry tail enchanted to swish provocatively. That was all the encouragement he'd needed. They'd snogged furiously, then left to find somewhere private for what promised to be an incredible shag.

"What's the matter, Weasley? Scared?" Tonks teased.

"Hardly," he insisted, although his heart was pounding. Pulling her close, he kissed her until they were both breathless."You do know we can't actually enter, don't you?"

"You'd better be talking about the Shack, love." She giggled, and ground against him.

Bill groaned, then nodded, his cock throbbing painfully. "The Shrieking Shack might be impenetrable, but you, my lusty wench, are gonna be well and truly plundered tonight."

^bill weasley/nymphadora tonks, rating: r, !2013, #het, *ragdoll

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