Gift for:
alisanne From:
charmed310 Title: Leave The Ears On
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Summary: Nothing like a letter from Hogwarts to cut the celebrations short.
alisanne , I must admit, I was more than a little bit intimidated when I saw I got your prompt, having admired you and especially your drabble writing skills for many a year. I hope I have done you proud!
Harry smiled, hearing the laughter of trick-or-treating children. Having never taken part himself, Harry had decorated and bought some sweets for the kids. Draco had insisted that they go all out with a Haunted House and zombies, but Harry drew the line at too much magic in a Muggle neighbourhood.
The sun had just set and five groups of children had already been by, when a low flying owl caught Harry's eye. To his surprise it landed on his shoulder, carrying a Hogwarts-sealed envelope.
Harry found Draco putting on his black cat costume that, admittedly, was very fetching.
'Neville wrote; the kids are in detention for starting a food fight. Snape dictated the letter, blaming my three, while Scorpius remained scot-free. I'm going to guess he was responsible for the orchestration as there are still caramel apples and miniature pumpkins stuck to the ceiling.'
'That's my boy.'
'Anyway, Neville's asked us to meet him and Luna for a Hallowe'en drink. Thought you might wear your costume - perhaps there'll be a saucer of cream for you.'
'So funny. You're just jealous of my tail.'
Harry squeezed his boyfriend's arse and kissed him. 'Precisely what attracted me.'
'Only one drink.'
'Yes. Just ... leave the ears on all night.'