Gift for:
lore From:
katelinmr Title: Together
lordhelleborePairing: Severus/Lupin
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Neither Harry Potter, the world, any of the characters nor the magic belong to me. If they would I wouldn't be here.
Warnings: Insinuated m/m relationship
Summary: "The full moon makes the inner wolf howl -" Unknown
Notes: Happy birthday sweetheart! This was my first attempt at a Snupin ficlet and I hope you'll like it. And a Happy Halloween! ♥
The ground moves beneath my heavy feet as they claw through the damp grass, my breath coming in short bursts, mist leaving my nostrils. I move my head around, checking my surroundings, my pace never slowing down. I jump over a log, and at landing drive my paws even deeper into the moist ground, my strong legs pushing off, adding to my speed.
I stop when I enter a clearing and throw my nose into the air, sniffing. On my right I hear some birds moving nervously, letting out a shrill chirp every now and then. On my left I hear the wind rustling through the leaves. I know he is here, I can smell him. I turn my head away from the black sky and focus on the woods around me. There is no moon visible tonight, the clouds so dark that even the stars have disappeared. It matches him, my one, my only, my mate.
I growl possessively as he appears between the trees, his fur as black as his eyes, making it nearly impossible to see him. I throw my head in the air once more and howl at the invisible moon, and when he joins in, I push off again, off to find my prey.