(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 12:25

Artist: red_magicmarker
Title:Afternoon by the lake
Characters:Ginny and Harry
Rating:G (PG for nakidtinyhagrid in 'how to'_
Media used:Watercolor, pencil, black fine tip and black permanent marker, gel ink metalic pens.
Challenge: no
Warnings: If you click on the 'how to' section after the painting there is a tiny naked hagrid/squid cartoon lol
This is a painting for one of my favourite people in the HP fandom, hill_. I don't usually work on a painting or any drawing for too long, and i never do backgrounds (you can tell just by looking at this one lol) but if you see hill_s artwork you can notice all the detail and time put into each peice, so I thought that I would at least give it a try :)
The 'lake' looks more like an ocean but like i said, i don't do backgrounds. Sort of like the how the random pumpkins in the background are so small. Oh well :) There is still stuff i'll try to fix (outline the strand of ginny's hair an try to fix her awful lips. I also might add in hargids hut) but i'm decently happy with it.

This image is large
Ginny/Harry by the lake

How to make a mediocre painting for someone who is anything but!
How to


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