Title: Tubby Time 2
Character: Lucius Malfoy
Rating: R
Media: Charcoal
Warnings: Backside with hint of Malfoy family jewels peeking out. Luce naked as the day he was born. Only sexier.
Challenge: No
Well despite all those toys to distract him
in the first pic, Lucius did finally manage to actually WASH, but he spotted his spy just as he finished rinsing his hair and got up in rather a hurry. Pray he doesn't slip!
Note: This is when figure drawing practice goes awry folks. There you are, sketching out some challenging pose like this one and everything's hunky dory; no hormonal overload, no drooling, no need of repeated cold showers. Then it happens. You get partway through the buttocks and start to wonder. What if I gave him long hair and a snake cane? And changed the posture so it looks like he's emerging from the bath? What then?
This then!