everything was ugly but your beautiful face

May 01, 2006 15:49

1. How and when did you discover HP fanfiction and art? um...it was sort of a gradual "i love hbp so i'm going to write fanfic" and then i discovered buttfacemakani and it all went downhill from there.
2. How long have you been creating HP fan art? only since after hbp came out.
3. How long have you been drawing in general? five years? something like that.
4. What characters/situations do you like to draw the most? severus. and hermione. and remus. and sirius.
5. What characters/situations do you like to draw the least? er. not a huge fan of lucius; he's very difficult to draw; same goes for dumbledore.
6. What media do you like to work with best? pencil, mostly - i don't have any digital media, and therefore must work with tangible resources.
7. Comments... i'm insecure about posting here, so i need lots of feedback to make me feel less timid. i'm of the opinion my art is crap.
8. Would you like a tag with your LJ name so people can see all your art at once? yes please!

Artist: aerinbooke
Title: to die a traitor
Characters: severus snape; lucius malfoy's hand
Rating: pg
Media used: pencil
Challenge: i would say shadow challenge because of the barely perceptible shadow on severus' neck, but since that's over, none.
Warnings: hint of character death; kind of depressing.
Notes/comments: one of my better pieces. link to deviantart.

{all because of you}


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