1. How and when did you discover HP fanfiction and art?
Woah. Uhm, back in..2001? I stumbled upon
starlettegurly's awesome art for the Draco Triology, read that, and from there I discovered slash, and I was hooked :D
2. How long have you been creating HP fan art?
I basically started drawing once I found Kara's art, but I think the need to create fanart really kicked in after reading Love Under Will :)
3. How long have you been drawing in general?
Seriously: since 2000. But I have tons of drawings from way before that ;)
4. What characters/situations do you like to draw the most?
I have a weird fondness of Ginny and Luna, but I generally draw them all. Usually girls more than boys though ;) Apart from when I draw slash <3 :D
5. What characters/situations do you like to draw the least?
I'm not that big a Snape fan and Dumbledore is incredibly hard to do. And I also really hate backgrounds X3
6. What media do you like to work with best?
Traditional. I usually sketch in pencil, ink it up, flat-color it with markers and then shade it with colored pencils :B
Yay, great community! :D As you might've guessed I'm a big slasher, but i also love gen and het canon (Lily/James and Ron/Hermione). At the moment I'm not too productive, but hopefully looking at all the gorgeous art people in this community produce, will kickstart my muse :D
8. Would you like a tag with your LJ name so people can see all your art at once?
Yes please :D
I'll try to whip up something for the challenge, but I wanted to post at least just a little something, so that I won't be forgotten or seem like one of those peeps who joins a comm and then never posts D:
siridk aka Lou
Rating: Uh. PG-13?
Media used:
Ink, Tria markers, colored pencils
Challenge: Nope
Warnings: Slashy, nudity (nothing showing)
Notes: This was done for
_nattybear as a birthday present, no using for icons and the like :)
Any C/C is welcome! :D This was a quicky though, only took me 30 mins :3