Le Printemps - The Spring

Jan 24, 2008 13:52

Artist: chesnutella
Title: The Spring
Characters: Teddy/Victoire
Rating: G
Media used: Graphite
Challenge: yes, imitation
Concrit?: PLEASE
Warnings: Nope

Wow, you know when you start doing a piece and you just CANT STOP no matter how many important things there are to do? Yeah, this is one of those works - and I'm posting it now because if I don't I won't get any sleep tonight :P

I tried to make this less suggestive than the original, and decided to go for a more innocently playful vibe. Teddy is sporting an pig snout in the tradition of his late mother in an effort to rile up Victoire ... of course Victoire has seen it all before butshe can't help but smile at his goofy antics. You can probably tell that I adore these two :)

Based on Le Printemps" by Pierre Auguste Cot which captivated me from the moment I saw it. Feel almost sorry to have bastardised it so!

2008_01, chesnutella

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