nami86 Characters: Narcissa & Lucius Malfoy
Title1: Visite at Azkaban
Title2: The Great Escape
Title3: At school
Title4: After the Quidditch game
Rating: PG-13 (only for the last one)
Warnings: ummm... sexy
Notes/comments: I was bored in my bedroom, so ... The first time I made Lucius/Narcissa fanarts (I like more and more the Malfoys since HP7)
click on the pictures to see:
Visite at Azkaban ("I miss you...")
The great escape (i have imagined a escape from azkaban with the Help af Narcissa...)
At school (The Slytherins know how to have fun...)
After the Quidditch game (Narcissa & Lucius celebrating the victory, hum... sexy)