Title: Requested Fic Illustration for
"Walking the Line" by
Pairing Harry/Draco
Materials Used: Ink, Tablet, Gimp 2.2
Description: Back in September, SilentAuror requested "In Chapter 17...they fall asleep. When they wake up, they have this talk where Draco finally agrees to a relationship. How would you feel about the waking up bit? It's set on top of a hill in the English lake district, overlooking a lake."
Special notes: Frankly, I panicked when she asked for this scene because I have never done realistic scenery backgrounds before. It was an enormous challenge to paint. The lineart was easy BUT the background took a good few days for me to perfect. The most difficult part was capturing the colour of the Cumbria Hills (Lake District) and the sunrise but silentauror did provide helping pics and I did my own research as well.
Potter didn't answer him, just looked back out over the lake and the hills across from them, golden-brown and worn smooth with age. Silence fell between them. Draco could feel Potter's warmth radiating from his arm, his power shivering over Draco's skin with a prickle of magic.
This scene was drawn for the author :) Sora