Hi, I just joined because I love seeing all the challenge work and would like to participate myself. I've been drawing for a while, but I'm not very established artist and I like interacting with other artists. :D
emjayTitle: My Only Son
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: PG
Media used: Photoshop 7
Challenge: Yes, Elements challenge.
Warnings: suggestions of character death
Notes/comments: This was an abstract interpretation of elements ... silver is an element and I used silver as my principle color in this picture. :) The hands were a reference from a stock artist on DevArt. (References are my new thing. XD)
01. How and when did you discover HP fanfiction and art? In October of 2000. I Googled for HP and found
kellilla's website. October is still a very magical month to me. :)
02. How long have you been creating HP fan art? I was a writer for about four years until around 2004 when I became mostly a fan artist
03. How long have you been drawing in general? Since I was about 3, when I learned how to draw people. :D So that's 15 years!
04. What characters/situations do you like to draw the most? Quidditch pictures, portraits, anything Malfoys
05. What characters/situations do you like to draw the least? Detailed rooms
06. What media do you like to work with best? Photoshop 7 and Opencanvas, but I also like pencils and oil paints.
07. Comments... Hello to everyone! This seems like a friendly place.