Weekly Round-Up #2

Jul 14, 2012 18:00

Cocktail Time (Rita Skeeter, Gilderoy Lockhart; ~ 10,000 words) -- On DW
"Not many people know this, but Rita Skeeter and Gilderoy Lockhart flatted together for a while after Hogwarts. They stole each other's hair products rampantly. He painted her nails, she transfigured his clothes. She wrote about him, he invited her to parties. It was fabulous, darling." This was Feather's brilliant prompt. And it sums it up, really. But then, things went wrong.

Invisible (Remus Lupin, Lily Evans; 2,076 words) -- On DW
One can’t always remain invisible.

Disorganised Crime (Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom; ~ 6,000 words) -- On DW
In Muggle London, heroes end up in jail.

The Wages of Wagering (Minerva McGonagall, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore; 4,700 words) -- On DW
Some rivalries survive death, let the bettor beware.

Dingo (Marge Dursley, Ripper; 1,600 words) -- On DW
Ripper is Marge’s best and only friend, and that’s exactly how she likes it.

The Quiet and the Dark (Remus Lupin, Madam Rosmerta; 5,000 words) -- On DW
"People are rarely what they seem," said Rosmerta. "I've learned as much in this job. Which brings us back to what I said earlier: it's very difficult to really know another human being."

We're still collecting recs for the daily_snitch, so if you post a rec, please comment here with a link.

weekly round-up, !mod post, hp friendship 2012

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