"To Understand and To Be Understood" (Molly Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks)

Aug 28, 2013 18:16

Author: Anonymous
Prompt/Prompt Author: "They appear to be close-ish in canon. What kind of friendship is it? A few ideas: Maybe Molly sees Tonks as the woman she might have been if she'd made different choices. Does she urge Tonks to pursue Lupin, and maybe get pregnant, out of supportive friendship, or is it something else? Or take the opposite ( Read more... )

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squibstress August 29 2013, 00:41:06 UTC
I'm so delighted you took this prompt, Mystery Author! I've always liked to think of Molly as a bright, powerful witch who has chosen to use her other gifts in her life's work, and this story does that so beautifully, with the contrast with Tonks.

The friendship between the two women is so believable, in spite of their apparent differences. I love that each respects and supports the other, even though their choices are so very different.

Fred and George are, of course, so much fun!

Some things I particularly loved:

The massed shout of "SURPRISE!!!" sent her hair a shocking neon green Love it!

I never really thought about the difficult position Tonks would be in, family-wise, as an Auror.

But I suppose my way of battling those sorts of beliefs was by raising our children to understand that every life is valuable, be it Muggle or Wizard. Nicely said.

"Occasionally, yes." Molly waved her wand at the toasting fork, which picked up four slices of bread and propped itself in front of the fire. A moment later a plate of hot buttered toast sat on the table between them. "Marmalade?" she asked, indicating a fat blue pot. This is a lovely moment that sort of encaspsulates the whole idea for me: Molly has a gift for making people comfortable, which is too often overlooked in favor of the showier talents.

The conversation between Molly and Tonks about women and class values is marvellous!

I've wondered sometimes if that's what led her to side with Vol-- well, You-Know-Who. Because he allowed her -- even encouraged her -- to use her power." Fabulous thought.

In the Muggle world, men have traditionally held most of the power. In the Wizard world, it doesn't matter what you are, it matters how strong you are. And that power has to find an outlet somewhere." I am IN LOVE with this observation.

Squeeing over Quirrell's (and Molly's) theory about Muggle-borns!

Pieces of her life as mother of seven, wife of a Ministry man; as cook, referee, seamstress, chauffeur, tutor, nanny, encyclopaedic dispenser of knowledge and relentless dispenser of manners, roles which had exercised her ingenuity, creativity and patience to the utmost. "No, dear, I think that after all I'm very content with the life I chose." Lovely.

"Here, you can say it right to his face," Tonks grinned. Holding her breath in concentration, she made her hair go long and silver, puffed out two enormous bushy eyebrows and a flowing beard, and said in a passable imitation of Dumbledore's sonorous tones, "Dark times lie ahead of us, Molly, but we must always remember to file our knitting patterns correctly..." Utterly brilliant!

Wild Manticore *Snort*

"I asked Hermione once, and she said the story's actually all about sex. Ha!

Luckily, you're not my daughter -- you're my friend. That means I have the luxury of being entirely happy for you when you marry not only the man you love, but a good man and a brave one as well." *Sniffs*

The line about one's heart wandering around outside one's body--truer words were never said. Nice use of it here.

Anyway, having a child is like an anti-Horcrux. Instead of splitting your soul through violence, you multiply it through love." Also true.


delphipsmith September 15 2013, 17:04:07 UTC
This was a fabulous prompt, with so much scope for bringing in different aspects of friendship, bits of canon, theories about magic and power, and the many different ways to use one's talents to shape a fulfilling life. I was so excited when I received it and am thrilled that the result pleased you. Thank you for the lovely detailed comments! ::skips back to re-read them again::


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