Author: Anonymous
Prompt: After the war, Draco finds out he has a squib sibling. He wants to get to know to him/her and turns to Harry for help, seeing he is the only one of his acquaintances that knows the Muggle World. /
feuerfunkeTitle: Bringing Back the Dead
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, original character. Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley,
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What a pitch-perfect story. This is exactly how it must have happened. And the Malfoys and Astoria ending up on top once again- perfectly sure of themselves wherever they are put. Trust a Malfoy to be a fat cat.
Draco's identification with Hamlet, as seen through Harry's eyes, is very believable and gives such depth to your Draco. As does his genuine discomfort when he first meets his brother.
Just a few favourite things:
The chair leg and the scepter are priceless.
'I see.' Severin's voice would have frozen hell. I love the way Severin resembles his father.
Four Gryffindors beamed with satisfaction. I love the mingling of those worlds, and how perfectly IC everyone reacts. And Severin, who innocently (inasmuch as a Malfoy ever is quite innocent) mixes the worlds by announcing that Serlo Malefoy was ... naturally ...
. I mean, why do you not read? You don't seem to have much literature of your own, and yet you don't read our stuff? Why not? Why would it not interest you?' That's exactly what I have against the Wizarding World. Why, on earth, is there no proper Wizarding literature? And if there isn't (for the percentage of Wizards is small, so the percentage of great authors among them must be even smaller) why the blazes don't they read Muggle books?
'For the same reason I'd want to read novels set in seventeenth-century France, or nineteenth-century New York, or modern day Nigeria, or whatever. Because we're all different but all human, and it's fascinating to look into other people's cultures.' He turned to Ginny. 'Are you not interested in how other people live?' Go, Severin!
Oh, Draco could certainly be a pain - Draco would always be a pain. But this growing friendship between them is still fully believable.
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