Header Post

Jun 16, 2013 21:59

We're delighted to announce that a total of 33 prompts were claimed, which, if all goes well, should give us a goodly month of friendship fic this summer.

And some of you wonderful people have already told us their contributions are ready for submission. You know who you are; your mods ♥ you.

Below you'll find the header info. We've used the same header as last year. Do send us your fic/art as soon as you're ready. There's no need to wait for the deadline, truly, there isn't.

Deadline, by the way, is Monday, 15 July. Please remember that all fics must be beta-read and adhere to the spelling, punctuation, and grammar rules of the English standard of your choice.

Please submit your story as a docx, doc, or rtf document, including any necessary HTML like bold or italics, as well as the following header:

Prompt/Prompt Author:
Word Count:
Author's Notes:

Happy writing/drawing, and as always, if any questions arise, drop us a note here or at friendshipmods[at]googlemail[dot]com!

!mod post

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