HP Friendship 2012 Reveals and Masterlist

Aug 05, 2012 15:00

Friends of HP Friendship!

Our fest has come to an end, and today is the day for the big reveals. But before we come to that, let your mods, pale_moonlite and tetleythesecond, give a big round of thanks to all you fantastic writers, readers, commenters, reccers, and general supporters! You have produced a total of 25 fics, 499 review comments both on Dreamwidth and Livejournal, and so far six Daily Snitch Hot Recs. Who said that fandom was losing momentum?

Before we get to a few individual mentions, here is the

HP Friendship 2012 Masterlist

alley_skywalker wrote Loyalty (Severus Snape, Evan Rosier; 1547 words) -- On DW.

anne_arthur wrote A Working Relationship (Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape; ~5,000 words) -- On DW.

atdelphi wrote Mad Dogs and Scotsmen (Alastor Moody, Emmeline Vance; 2,800 words) -- On DW.

gamma_x_orionis wrote When You've Ceased To Believe (Lucius Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy; 1,600 words) -- On DW.

igrockspock wrote Five People Who Insisted on Being Friends With Severus Snape ... (Severus Snape, others; 3,700 words) -- On DW.

inamac wrote The Secret of Black Hall (Arabella Figg, Argus Filch; 5,700 words) -- On DW.

iulia_linnea wrote What Friendship Means (Severus Snape, various; 6,700 words) -- On DW

jean_doe_27 wrote Dingo (Marge Dursley, Ripper; 1,600 words) -- On DW.

kellychambliss wrote Raven's Honour (Minerva McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Rolanda Hooch; 10,800 words) -- On DW.

lash_larue wrote A Bit o' Magic (Argus Filch, Mrs. Norris; 4,750 words) -- On DW -- and The Wages of Wagering (Minerva McGonagall, Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore; 4,700 words) -- On DW.

miss_morland wrote The Quiet and the Dark (Remus Lupin, Madam Rosmerta; 5,000 words) -- On DW.

mountainmoira wrote Rolling Downhill (Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood; 7255 words) -- On DW.

nathaniel_hp wrote The Possibility of Friendship (Irma Pince, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin; 1,700 words) -- On DW.

pitry wrote Disorganised Crime (Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom; ~ 6,000 words) -- On DW -- and The Sceptic’s Guide to Spotting Impossible Beasts (Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood; 2050 words) -- On DW.

primeideal wrote Within A Morning Star (Asteria Greengrass, Demelza Robins, various; 15,700 words) -- On DW.

realmer06 wrote What Always Has Been (Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom; ~7,600 words) -- On DW.

squibstress wrote The Peculiar Resilience of the Refugee (Petunia Dursley, Madam Rosmerta,; 7,901 words) -- On DW

therealsnape wrote Cocktail Time (Rita Skeeter, Gilderoy Lockhart; ~ 10,000 words) -- On DW.

vanessawolfie wrote Grow Up And Away (Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy; 5000 words) -- On DW.

wemyss wrote And It Could Be Me, And It Could Be Thee (Griselda Marchbanks, Augusta Longbottom; 10217 words) -- On DW -- and The Road to Roundabout (Dudley Dursley, Harry Potter; 17806 words) -- On DW.

the_winterwitch wrote A Very Special Edition (Irma Pince, Severus Snape; 3400 words) -- On DW.

zofbadfaith wrote Invisible (Remus Lupin, Lily Evans; 2,076 words) -- On DW.

And now for some Statistics. People wrote a great bandwidth; the 25 fics were about a total of 36 characters, including Mrs Norris and Ripper. The oldest was Griselda Marchbanks, the youngest were Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy.

Ten people participated in the Guessing Game, and we have a hands-down winner: the Gold Medal goes to the Usain Bolt of Author Recognition, miss_morland, with a total of 18 (!) correct guesses. Silver and Bronze go to pitry with 9 and
primeideal with 8.

Our own little doping scandal is brought to you courtesy of therealsnape, who guessed on three fics in which she was named as a beta.

The most-guessed authors were kellychambliss and wemyss (with both fics). Six people guessed them correctly. The Stealth Award goes to four authors, all of whom got guesses, but none of them correct: gamma_x_orionis, inamac, miss_morland, and zofbadfaith.

Top commenters: First off, we have to say we are flattened by the response. Almost all fics went into the double digits, which is fantastic for a summertime fest at a time when comments in general seem to have been going down. You all can be proud of yourselves! Still, we would like to give an extra mention to the two of you who took the time to review every single fic. Come and get your medals,
primeideal and kellychambliss!

And because a fest also lives from its reader-only supporters, the Golden Olive Wreath for top commenter from among the spectators goes to albalark with 23 comments.

Once more, thank you all for making this a fantastic fest!

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