Weekly Round-Up #4

Jul 29, 2012 16:37

With yesterday's entry, The Peculiar Resilience of the Refugee, posting for hp_friendship has come to an end. Here is our final weekly wrap-up.

Rolling Downhill (Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood; 7255 words) -- On DW
During the events of Deathly Hallows, there's only one person Draco can talk with honestly: Luna Lovegood.

A Very Special Edition (Irma Pince, Severus Snape, 3400 words) -- On DW
The Library of Hogwarts has more to it than one would think, and is a haven not only for books.

Within A Morning Star (Asteria Greengrass, Demelza Robins, various; 15,700 words) -- On DW
They were fifteen, for a moment.

Five People Who Insisted on Being Friends With Severus Snape ... (Severus Snape, others; 3,700 words) -- On DW
Just what it says on the tin.

Grow Up And Away (Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, 5000 words) -- On DW
Both Albus and Scorpius are discovering a new part of their lives; in the meantime, they forget their best friend.

The Possibility of Friendship (Irma Pince, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin; 1,700 words) -- On DW
“So many qualities are indeed requisite to the possibility of friendship, and so many accidents must concur to its rise and its continuance” (Samuel Johnson)
Remus Lupin witnesses an unlikely friendship when he returns to Hogwarts to teach. He tries to make sense of it and contemplates his own situation.

The Peculiar Resilience of the Refugee (Petunia Dursley, Madam Rosmerta,; 7,901 words) -- On DW
After the war, Petunia takes refuge at the Three Broomsticks.

Again, a big thank you to all of you who wrote, read, commented, and recced. We hope that you've enjoyed the fest -- we certainly have! On Tuesday we'll be posting an anonymous Masterlist and Guessing Game, and next Sunday the big reveals will go up.

As always, if you rec'd one (or more) of the stories, please comment to this post with a link to your rec, so that we can collect them for the Hot Rec section of the daily_snitch.

And, authors: don't forget that we posted both on DW and on LJ -- we wouldn't want you to miss any comments!

weekly round-up, !mod post, hp friendship 2012

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