Happy Friday everyone!
1. Which character do you actually prefer the movie version of?
2. Which character do you usually love, but dislike his or her movie portrayal?
3. What is your favorite moment/line/etc. added to the movies that doesn't show up in the books?
4. In a perfect world, ________ would play _________.
5. What is your overall
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2. Which character do you usually love, but dislike his or her movie portrayal? Sirius. Gary Oldman is just...eh.
3. What is your favorite moment/line/etc. added to the movies that doesn't show up in the books? I liked the scene in the fourth where McGonagall told the Gryffindors about the Yule Ball and asked Ron to dance with her & such...
4. In a perfect world, ________ would play _________. I just glanced up at the comment above mine, and I have to agree about Cate Blanchett playing Narcissa Malfoy. Maybe it's just because I'm in love with Cate as an actress, but she can take on any role and make it fabulous. She's amazing.
5. What is your overall opinion of the movies? Eh...the effects and visuals are all good, but there always seems to be something lacking. In the first two, it was the acting, and it all seemed way too Disney-ish. In GoF, there were two many plot holes, which bugged the crap out of me. I actually really liked the third movie, though. One of my least favorite scenes from the movies is in GoF when Moaning Myrtle starts flirting with Harry in the bathtub. What the heck? Just...no.
I dunno.... That's actually pretty much how I pictured what is happening in the book.
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