'To the Ghost' by Jintian - Years later, as he sat alone on the Hogwarts Express, Draco's thoughts drifted back to all of these things, like debris pushed onto shore. Outside his window the land fell away from the tracks like the slow-moving surface of a sea, at once familiar and strange, pushing memories from hiding places and old dreams awake.
'The God of Things as They Ought To Be' by Busaikko - Or maybe this particular story should be renamed 'How Remus Lupin Spent His Midlife Crisis'?
'Smoke Instead of Sunlight' by MusIgneus - surprised to encounter Snape after the death of Dumbledore, Lupin makes a decision that both of them might live to regret.
'All the World Drops Dead' by Rian - Severus had no idea what he was doing here in this tiny flat with this man that he hated and who hated him back.
The (slash) sequel to
'The End of the World', where Voldemort has won but has let Harry Potter live:
'Magpie' by Abstract Concept - without magic of his own, Harry struggles to deal with life and how to fulfill a certain prophecy. Snape/Adult!Harry
'I Know An Old Lady' by Rinsbane - when Severus Snape is finally captured after the war against Voldemort is long over, they find a way to punish the Deatheaters that nobody can disagree with, surely? Snape/Adult!Harry
'Tactical Invitation' by Diagonalist - Harry gets an offer just as Snape gets to the end of his tether. Snape/Adult!Harry