Two recs, both gen... *gasp* ;)

Mar 05, 2005 22:12

Two excellent gen stories (yes, that isn't always a contradiction in terms!), both focussed on Snape and the aftermath of things:

A Man of Property by Josan - one of my favourite writers, I've loved everything she's written in the fandom, and she's also prolific. Always a nice combination! Anyway, this story is Snape at his most in character, coming into possession of property without falling foul of the many Snape Manor cliches. And if you're looking for other good gen by Josan, Once Upon a Time in Egypt is also well worth reading.

Games of Skill and Chance by Snowballjane. Ignore the summary, this fic is much better than that would have you think. Snape is winding down at Hogwarts, working his last term there after the war, when he unexpectedly becomes the centre of something new.
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