Hello, I really ned your help, not only do I want to reread this, but someone stole this authors work almost word for word, but I can't find the original story anymore!
So this is a series where Severus and Harry are really possessively into each other, but Severus keeps refusing to be in an actual relationship. So every story takes place a week or two apart where Harry pulls some stunt to get Severus's attention
- Harry stops Severus on his way to a staff meeting to have sex on the Headmaster's desk
- Harry disturbs Draco by going to Potion's early and climbing under Severus's desk. He then sucks off Severus, Minerva comes in near the end and Harry crawls out to go talk to the headmaster
- Harry pretends to date Draco to make Severus jealous (while Draco is making Theo and Blaise jealous) Severus ends up pinning Harry to the wall in the Hallway, remarking his neck, and they are caught by Flitwick and Phineus (Who has been into watching them since their interlude in the Headmaster's office) the onlookers do not interupt and Severus promises to stop ignoring harry (He does not)
- Finally, Severus accepts Harry so he doesn't lose him