2024 snapecase sign ups open on 1 October!

Sep 19, 2023 09:27

SUBJECT: snapecase sign ups open on 1 October!
TAGS: announcement, character: severus snape, for: artists, for: writers, host: lj, mod post, pairing: gen, pairing: het, pairing: slash, post: announcement, sign ups

To promote
snapecase, cut and paste the code below into your journal.
http://community.livejournal.com/snapecase/profile">http://pics.livejournal.com/iulia_linnea/pic/000rxx5z" alt="Snape Showcase">
[info]snapecase: Celebrating Severus Snape throughout his ages!

The Snape Showcase is an anonymous fest that celebrates Severus Snape throughout his ages with a showcase of artwork and short fiction. Gen, het, and slash fan works of any kind and of any rating are welcome, and the fest is moderated with the goal of respecting both self-expression and sensibility by employing click-to-view warnings. snapecase's purpose is to bring new, stand-alone Snape-related fan works into the world; its challenge for creators is to do so by exploring one particular age range of his life within their individual (or collaborative!) works of art, fic, or art & fic.

Age-Range Categories
 One  Snape from birth to 10-years-old 
 Two  Snape from 11- to 20-years-old 
 Three  Snape from 21- to 30-years-old 
 Four  Snape from 31- to 40-years-old 
 Five  Snape from 41- to 50-years-old (and beyond)

The Snape Showcase previously ran in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Before you join and follow snapecase, familiarise yourself with the community's rules, schedule, and submission guidelines and direct any questions or concerns about them to the mod account, snapecase [at] gmail [dot] com.

The snapecase Schedule
The Snape Showcase runs on Eastern Time.
 Sign-up Period  October-complete category assignment 
 Category Assignment  First come, first served 
 Production Period  October-November 
 Deadline Day  30 November 
 Posting Period  9 January-7 February 
 The Reveal  8 February

Please read the Snape Showcase's rules, schedule, and submission guidelines!

Sign ups begin on 1 October!

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